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Вопросы по английскому языку для подготовки к ЕНТ
01.02.2011, 23:01
Вопросы по английскому языку для подготовки к ЕНТ
Скачать (64.0Kb)17.12.2009, 19:12
1) What’s the name of the most famous clock in Britain? 
a) Big Albert b) Big Stephen c) Big Wren d) Big Ben 
2) What’s tartan? 
a) a dish b)a pattern of the kilt c) a bird d) a dance 
(tartan- шотландка,kilt- a skirt with many folds that is worn by men) 
3) Where is Glasgow situated? 
a) in Scotland b) in Wales c) in England d) in Northern Ireland 
4) What’s the name of the London underground? 
a) Metro b) Tube c) Subway d) Underground 
5) What’s the nickname of the liberal party? 
a) the Tories b) the Whips c) the Libs d) the Whigs 
6) What is the symbol of the Speaker’s authority? 
a) the mace b)the woolsack c) the ribbon d) the bell 
(mace-булава, жезл) 
7) Who presides over the House of Lords? 
a) Prime Minister b) Lord Chancellor c)Lord Protector d) the Speaker 
(to preside- председательствовать) 
8) What’s the name of the British flag? 
a) Star-Spangled Banner b) Stripes and Stars c) Union Jack d) John Bull 
9) What London street is famous for shops?
Категория: Подготовка к ЕНТ | Добавил: kondratev
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